Summary: CleanSmoke recommended by the European Joint Research Center as best available technique (BAT) for avoiding and reducing industrial emissions
Category: Information
CleanSmoke information in other languages
Here you will find the CleanSmoke Flyer in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish and German. You can use the navigation to switch between German and English for all texts.
The CleanSmoke Explanatory Video
“Only the best of smoke” explained in less than 3 minutes.
The ecological advantages
At a glance: CleanSmoke smoking compared to combustion and friction smoke
Smoking in a closed circuit
Video documentation and Layman Report on the CleanSmoke smoking process from Red Arrow Handels GmbH
CleanSmoke make smoking future-proof
For people and nature. For safe organic food.
Lecture at the world’s leading trade fair BioFach 2019 by Uwe Vogel, President of the CleanSmoke Coalition