Information by CleanSmoke users at BIOFACH
Test smoking in OFC Food Technology Centre
For the second time, the world’s leading organic trade fair BIOFACH in Nuremberg will feature “Green smoke for healthier and more environmentally friendly products”. From February 14th to 17th, the CleanSmoke Coalition will inform interested manufacturers and processors from the entire food industry in hall 5 booth 5-441 about the smoking process with pre-purified smoke – which is now equally permitted for organic and conventional products.
In order to better meet the growing interest in sustainable and organic production, smoking of different product categories (meat, meat alternatives and fish) will be presented by users and experts on different days of the fair BIOFACH. Interested parties will benefit from colleagues with practical experience who have already converted their production to CleanSmoke. At BIOFACH 2023, the CleanSmoke booth will be the venue for an authentic exchange of experiences among users.
This time, however, the CleanSmoke Coalition’s offer goes beyond BIOFACH: on different days, again according to product categories, the CleanSmoke Coalition offers its BIOFACH booth visitors the opportunity to try out their own products with CleanSmoke in the Food Technology Centre of Oltmer Food Consulting GmbH (Edewecht, Germany) – under expert guidance in a product and environmentally friendly way.
Please send registrations for this “CleanSmoke BIOFACH offer in theory and practice” to Veselina Vodichenska.